DPR Plans To Form An Aspiration Body, Victims Of Land Mafia To Pinjol Can Complain Directly

JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives plans to add board equipment (AKD) including forming a new body, namely the Aspiration Body. Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Cucun Ahmad Syamsurijal, revealed that the Aspiration Body will be a forum for the council in accommodating the aspirations of the people.

"This DPR is indeed a people's house, so this Aspirational Body is to accommodate the aspirations of the people. The voice of the people must be heard, we will have a body that will handle the aspirations of the people later," Cucun told reporters, Wednesday, October 9.

Cucun explained that this Aspiration Body was not only to facilitate people who held demonstrations in front of the DPR building, but also to accommodate all forms of aspirations conveyed by the people. Including victims of the land mafia or borrowing can complain directly to the DPR.

"Not only related to demonstrations, for example there are complaints below such as victims of the land mafia, victims of borrowing, victims of judol, or others such as victims of injustice from law enforcers, the people can complain at the agency," he explained.

Later, continued Cucun, the Aspiration Body will submit public complaints to each DPR commission in accordance with the work sector related to the issues raised by the people.

Then each commission will bring the aspirations of the community in a working meeting with the Government (ministerial/institution) which is their working partner to find a common solution to the problem.

"When it comes to the law, it will be given to Commission III, when it comes to government, we will submit it to Commission II. For example, regarding Indonesian migrant workers who are outside of problems, their families complain how many years they can't meet, we give it to Commission IX who handles employment, please handle it, "said Cucun.

"Because this is a people's house that must facilitate the common ground of the people with the leading sector in this republic," he added.

Cucun said, actually the DPR has opened spaces for complaints, both through letters, emails, and other complaint channels. However, said Cucun, the DPR wants the handling of complaints or the aspirations of the people to be more optimal to handle so that the Aspiration Body is deemed necessary.

"For example, if you enter a letter via email or a DPR letter box, but whether the letter reaches the correct address person or the correct AKD who handled it. This is what we want to optimize, so it will be structured according to the relevant AKD," explained Cucun.

The deputy chairman of the DPR Banggar for the 2019-2024 period also explained that later public complaints would not only be submitted to AKD, but also to the factions in the DPR. The hope, said Cucun, is that more and more parties will carry out escorts and all factions will know firsthand what the aspirations of the people are.

"So the faction also understands what the aspirations of the people are," said the legislator from the West Java II electoral district.

Cucun added that the Aspiration Agency plans not only to handle public complaints personally. But also facilitates people's expectations regarding the functions and authorities of the council, both in the legislative sector, budgeting, supervision of laws (UU) and government programs, to parliamentary diplomacy.

"There will be several functions from the Aspiration Agency, for example there are people who do not agree with the law, there are complaints. We have to accommodate it, accept it. That will be the material for later revision of the law in question," said Cucun.

The Aspiration Agency will later become a party that facilitates or accepts representatives of the community who demonstrate in front of the DPR. Because so far the handling of demonstrations from within the DPR is still not structured.

"This means that no special party accepts the demonstration," he concluded.