Paula Verhoeven Opens Her Voice After Accused Of Cheating With Baim Wong's Good Friend

JAKARTA - Celebrities as well as Paula Verhoeven's model are suspected of responding to accusations by her husband, Baim Wong, regarding infidelity.

Paula gave this response by re-uploading Ustaz Hanan Attaki's lecture regarding how crimes committed by others should not be rewarded with crimes.

According to Ustaz Hanan Attaki, other people's crimes against us will be rewarded in God's way which will produce good results. And we are better to be silent and accept the situation.

"If you are being looked at by people, do you want to face it yourself or do you want Allah to face it? If you want Allah to face it, do it in paragraph 10," said Ustaz Hanan Attaki, quoted by VOI from Instagram @paula_verhoeven, Wednesday, October 9.

"Abaikan mereka dengan cara yang baik. Saya tidak percaya respon saya lebih baik daripon Allah. Memang saya lebih baik membela diri dari dari me? Lebih baik dibela Allah," lanjutnya.

It didn't stop there, Paula re-uploaded one of the quotes written by Ali Bin Abi Talib. "There's no need to explain yourself to anyone, because those who don't care don't need it. And those who hate won't believe it," the message read.

Previously, Baim Wong openly accused Paula Verhoeven of playing with another man who was her best friend.

"I actually didn't expect it to be at this moment, I really avoided it, I'm sorry I never answered. Actually my position was difficult, I was betrayed by two people closest to me, from the woman and the boy, the man is my own good friend," said Baim Wong in the Bintaro area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, October 8.

It is suspected that this affair became the basis for finally Baim Wong to officially submit a divorce request to Paula Verhoeven after 6 years of marriage.