Checking Security With The Multipurpose Ansor Line, National Police Chief Listyo Guarantees Safe Easter Celebration In East Nusa Tenggara

JAKARTA - National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, ensured that the Easter celebration in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) ran safely and peacefully without any disturbance.

"Earlier we checked that in terms of security. Friends from the Multipurpose Ansor Line (Banser) helped the National Army (TNI) and the Police Force (Polri) carrying out security activities properly until the Easter celebration was over", said Chief of Police Listyo in Kupang, quoted by Antara, Saturday, April 3.

The National Police Chief Listyo admitted that he had ordered the NTT Regional Police Chief to carry out tight security throughout the church.

The National Police Chief accompanied by NTT Governor, Viktor B Laiskodat with the NTT Regional Police Chief Inspector General Lotharia Latif and the NTT Religious Communication Forum (FKUB) conducted a security review at the Santo Yoseph Church, Kupang City.

The National Police Chief and the Governor of NTT also had a dialogue with a number of Catholics who were going to attend the Easter Eve celebration service at the church. The National Police Chief considered that the religious harmony in NTT was a strong asset to build Indonesia into a strong country.

"I also believe that NTT, with their wealth and harmony, added with customs and good tourist spots, will certainly be a capital for NTT", he said.

According to him, the diversity of both culture and religion in NTT can make NTT an example of a province that can be followed by other regions as a harmonious and peaceful province.

He also expressed his gratitude to the people of NTT, FKUB, and a number of parties who continue to maintain NTT as a harmonious and peaceful province.

The arrival of the National Police Chief to NTT in order to review the security of the Easter service in NTT. Apart from that, there were also dialogues with a number of religious leaders in NTT regarding the current security situation. During his one-day working visit to NTT, the National Police Chief also directly reviewed the implementation of mass vaccinations at the NTT Regional Police headquarters and emphasized the need to accelerate vaccination for people in the province of NTT.