Women With A Lack Of Knowledge Are Vulnerable To Radicalism And Terrorism

JAKARTA - Deputy for the Protection of Women's Rights at the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA) Ratna Susianawati said that women are indeed more vulnerable to falling prey to radicalism and terrorism.

This was conveyed in response to the terror that occurred in the past week. From two locations in Makassar and the National Police Headquarters, for example, the perpetrators were known to be women.

"Women are more prone to be involved in this problem. This is due to social, economic factors, different mindsets, as well as the existence of doctrines that continue to encourage and even inspire women, until they finally commit acts of terrorism and radicalism," said Ratna in her written statement Saturday, April 3.

Minimal knowledge also often makes women the target of disseminators of deviant ideologies and understandings.

The reason is that they experience limited access to information and are limited in expressing their views and attitudes, so that they are finally used in acts of terrorism.

"This is where the importance of family resilience and good communication strategies to build children's character by internalizing values according to legal, custom, religious and cultural norms," explained Ratna.

He assessed that family resilience and good communication strategies are needed as a foundation and filter in the care of children in the family.

Moreover, currently technological progress has been so rapid that there are many new crimes, including spreading the notions of radicalism and terrorism.

"Parents must be able to establish good relationships with children, supervise and control children, provide education, apply open and easy to understand communication patterns, adopt prepared parenting, and detect risks because many women do not know what risks they will face. considering the lack of knowledge, "he said.

Adding to Ratna's statement, the Director of Prevention of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Brigadier General Akhmad Nurwakhid said that women who are more sensitive, sensitive, emotionally unstable, and have obedient attitudes to their husbands tend to make them more easily influenced and used by male terrorists in carrying out their actions.

Thus, all parties are obliged to be involved in correcting deviant understandings and ideologies. This invitation is also addressed especially to religious and community leaders who can greatly influence society.

"Everyone has the potential to have a radical understanding. This is where the importance of teachings in the form of narratives from community and religious leaders that contain character, character building, and positive values, so that people are immune to the threat of radical understanding," he said.

Akhmad also emphasized that radical actions and terrorism should not always be considered closely related to certain religions.

"All forms of terrorism in the name of religion are actually religious manipulators and are not related to any religion. This becomes our common enemy, we must unite to overcome it," he concluded.