How To Choose A Residential For Babies With Sensitive Skin

YOGYAKARTA The baby's moisturizer is a skin care product intended for babies. When choosing this product, parents must consider many things, one of which is the sensitivity of the baby's skin. Using a wrong moisturizer in sensitive skin babies will trigger certain impacts such as a red rash. To avoid this, parents must know how to choose a moisturizer for a baby with sensitive skin.

Reporting from AI Care, a safe moisturizer for babies is that has a thick texture like a cream and does not contain fragrance. The reason is that fragrances will trigger irritation of sensitive baby skin.

Reporting from Antara, consultant pediatrician who graduated from Gadjah Mada University, dr. Attila Dewanti Poerboyo, Sp.A(K) suggested that parents be careful about choosing skin care products, including moisturizers.

"My advice must be in accordance with the condition of the newborn baby's skin," said Attila in Jakarta, quoted October 7.

When choosing, parents need to listen to what is in the moisturizing product. Whether the content comes from natural ingredients or not. In addition, baby skin moisturizers must contain ingredients that are able to moisturize the skin optimally.

Parents are also not allowed to choose a baby moisturizing product that is too fragrant. It is feared that this content will interfere with the baby's skin pH balance. For information, the baby's skin pH is in the range of index 5 to 5.5.

If the pH level on the baby's skin is high, it is feared that a rash will appear on the baby's skin. The foam is in the form of reddening marks, especially in folding areas such as thighs, necks, and other areas. Not only rashes, too high pH will also trigger spots such as acne. These seeds will turn into necessary if not immediately addressed.

Not only in moisturizers, parents must also pay attention to the selection of soaps that usually contain moisturizers. He emphasized that soaps with abundant foams are not always useful for the skin.

"Even though it's not allowed because it contains Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) which damages the baby's skin," explained Attila.

Not only how to choose it, but Attila also emphasized the procedures for using moisturizers in babies. These products should be worn to babies after bathing, namely around half-dry skin. This is done so that useful ingredients can be fully absorbed by the skin.

In addition, parents need to wear moisturizers as much as one time with not too many moisturizers.

"So it can be given, as can Telon oil or hair lotion, but, don't overdo it. Just use it sufficiently," he added.

It is recommended to parents to increase their insight, one of which is tips on Choosing the right Skincare for the baby.

That's information regarding how to choose a moisturizer for a baby with sensitive skin. Visit to get other interesting information.