Considered Many Problems, DPR Hopes There Will Be Evaluation Of The National Education Concept

JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the PKB faction, Cucun Ahmad Syamsurijal hopes for a thorough evaluation of the national education service sector. Following the many problems that arise, ranging from unabsorbed budgets to less equitable human resources as well as educational infrastructure facilities and facilities in Indonesia.

Initially, Cucun talked about the budgeting function that had been carried out by the DPR for the 2019-2024 period which had just completed his term of service. The former Deputy Chairman of the DPR's Budget Agency (Banggar) assessed that there must be an evaluation from the Government as a working partner in the issue of the state budget.

"There are several ministries/agencies that when asking for approval from the DPR, they then go their own way. Because they use a law that has been slightly widened, the budget shift," said Cucun Ahmad Syamsurijal, Friday, October 4.

Cucun then highlighted the education sector. The reason is, in the past period, Banggar found that the education budget was only realized by Rp. 513.38 trillion from the total 2023 APBN budget of Rp. 621.28 trillion.

This means, said Cucun, there are around Rp 111 trillion of educational budgets that are not absorbed. Even though the facilities and gaps in education services in many regions still need a lot of budget assistance.

"Well, this education is not absorbed because the supporting document process is also our concentration 5 years ago, it looks like we lost the demographic bonus," said Cucun.

"We are not taking advantage of God's gift, Indonesia is given a fairly extraordinary demographic bonus, but the education is not clear where to go," he added.

The legislator from the West Java II electoral district explained that based on the constitutional mandate, 20 percent of the budget from the APBN was allocated for the function of education. However, the large budget was distributed to 20 ministries/agencies and transfers to the regions.

Most of the education budgets are allocated not only for the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, but also for regions through the Regional Transfer scheme (TKD).

Placement of other education budgets is included through financing including the Endowment Fund for Education (including the Eternal Islamic Boarding School Fund) under the authority of the Ministry of Religion. Furthermore, budget funds are also distributed to several ministries or institutions that have educational programs.

Cucun also questioned the huge education budget, but it was not used to provide the maximum benefit to the community.

"The money is so big, it's not that there is no money, you know, but it's not absorbed. Now this must be evaluated in the future," said Cucun.

According to Cucun, the unabsorbed budget should be used to fix various problems or issues in national education services. For example, the needs of teachers that have not been resolved so far.

Cucun also highlighted the issue of Indonesia's teacher emergency, where many have retired but the number of replacements has not matched their needs. Meanwhile, currently, the rules for appointing teachers are increasingly difficult.

"Now is a teacher emergency, many are retiring. Now recruitment is in accordance with the ASN Law, even regions are no longer allowed to recruit THL (off- daily workers) or honorary teachers. They must appoint PPPK, now this is not easy. So the needs below are very urgent. Now, among them are evaluations in the education sector," said Cucun.

Not to mention, added Cucun, the many problems with access and inadequate educational service facilities, especially for schools in the regions. For this reason, Cucun reminded that the Government budget that has been prepared with the DPR must be realized to meet the needs of the community.

"How the output and outcome can really have an impact on people's welfare," he said.