Insomnia? Here's How To Learn Breathing Techniques To Overcome Insomnia

JAKARTA - Many adults experience insomnia. Either you can't sleep even though you have been awake for more than 24 hours or you can't sleep well. This condition if it continues for a long time can be bad for the body. Because we also know that rest is very important.

This sleep disturbance will have a negative impact. Could be chronic and at risk for other diseases. Not being able to sleep makes you sleepy throughout the day, it is difficult to concentrate, and it is difficult to focus on activities. The reason is, the body feels less fresh even though the eyes are kept awake.

Actually there are many ways to deal with insomnia. From doctor's recommendations, meditation, warm baths and drinking milk before bed, exercise, and relaxation.

Well, one easy way you can do to deal with insomnia is to learn breathing techniques. So, there are three breathing techniques that will work for you. Can make you sleepy and can sleep soundly.

Breathing technique 4-7-8

Dr. Andrew Weil developed this breathing technique so that people can easily become sleepy and can sleep. The method is simple and you can do it yourself at home.

Start by opening your mouth, breathing in, and making a hissing sound. Afterward, close your mouth and take a deep breath from your nose and count to four. Then, hold your breath for seven seconds. Then exhale from your mouth, making a hissing sound for a count of 8.

This method can be repeated several times until you finally feel more relaxed and ready to sleep. It's also safe to do every day.


You can also do the Buteyko breathing technique to get quality sleep. It's easy, you just sit with your mouth closed and then breathe in through your nose at a speed of about 30 seconds.

Uniquely, you are asked to gently pinch your nose with your thumb and forefinger until it's time to take another breath. With your mouth closed, inhale deeply from your nose and out through your nose.

Diaphragmatic breathing

This diaphragmatic breathing can be the basis for relaxation and meditation. Also called abdominal exercises. By doing it regularly, you can experience various benefits including lowering stress levels, calming your heart and mind, lowering blood pressure and heart rate.

For how, you can start by finding a comfortable position. Can sit back or lie down. Let your body relax and place one hand on your chest, one on your stomach.

Begin to inhale through your nose for two seconds. Feel the air move, going from your mouth to your stomach. Make the position of your lips as if you were going to drink using a straw, inhale while pressing your stomach gently with your hands. Exhale slowly and repeat this method until you are sleepy.