The Right Fruit For Pet Dogs, Safe Choices And Benefits

YOGYAKARTA - As the dog owner, it's important for us to provide healthy and nutritious food for our pets. Not only commercial dog food, many owners want to add fruits to their dog's diet. However, not all fruits are safe for dog consumption. This article will stall fruit for safe pet dogs and health benefits, and fruits that must be avoided.

Benefits Of Fruits For Pet Dogs

Fruits rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals that can help improve the health of dogs. For example, some fruits contain vitamin C which is good for improving the body's immune system, while others have antioxidants that help fight free radicals. However, keep in mind that fruit must be given in a limited amount, because high sugar content can be less good if consumed beyond the limit.

The following are some of the safe fruit for pets to consume and the benefits for their health:

Apples are one of the choices of very safe and healthy fruit for pet dogs. These fruits are rich in vitamins A and C and fiber that helps the digestive system. Make sure to remove the seeds first, because apples have amygdalin seeds that can produce cyanide, a toxic compound when swallowed in large quantities.

Pisang is a source of potassium, vitamin B6, and very goodvit C. This fruit is also rich in fiber, which can help dog digestion. Although bananas are safe for dogs to consume, make sure not to give in excess because the sugar content is rather high.

Semangang is a refreshing fruit choice for dogs, especially on hot days. This fruit has a lot of water, so it can help protect dogs from hydrating. Not only that, watermelons are rich in vitamins A, B6, and C. Don't forget to throw away seeds and their skin, because it can cause digestive disorders.

Blueberry has high antioxidants that are useful for dog health, especially in the fight against free radicals that disturb body cells. Not only that, blueberries are also rich in fiber and vitamin C, which can support the health of the body's immune system.

5. Stroberi

Stroberi is a fruit that has a lot of fiber and vitamin C. This fruit also has enzymes that can help whiten the dog's teeth naturally. However, like other fruits, strawberries must be given in a limited amount because the sugar content is quite large.

Pir is also a fruit that is safe and useful for dogs. This fruit has vitamin C, vitamin K, and fiber. Like apples, make sure to get rid of the seeds before being given to the dog, because the piring seeds also have harmful compounds.

Although many fruits are safe for dogs to consume, there are several fruits that must be avoided because they can be toxic or cause health problems:

Wine and fire are known to be very risky for dogs. Consumption of wine or wine can cause chronic kidney failure, even if the amount you eat is small. If your dog is without a plan to consume wine or fire, immediately contact the veterinarian.

Alpukat has a persin, a toxic substance for dogs. Consumption of avocado can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other health problems. Not only that, avocado seeds can get stuck in the digestive tract and cause blockage.

The seeds, leaves, and cherries have cyanide, which is toxic to dogs. Although ceries are harmless, the risk is too great to give this fruit to dogs.

Balinese oranges have citric acid which can cause digestive disorders in dogs, a kind of vomiting and diarrhea. The skin and seeds also have the potential to cause poisoning.

In addition, to add to the reference for reading also: 7 Types of Food and Drinks that should not be given to Pets

How To Give Fruit To Pet Dog

Although the fruits mentioned above are safe for dogs, it is important to provide them in limited quantities. Too many fruits can cause digestive disorders or excess sugar, which is at risk for dogs, especially those who tend to be overweight or have other health problems.

Here are some steps in providing fruit for pet dogs:

So after knowing the fruit for the pet dog, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!