Kiaracondong-Cicalengka Double Rail Line Almost Completed

The Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) of the Ministry of Transportation through the Bandung Class I Railway Engineering Center (BTP Bandung) is close to completing the construction of the double rail line or double track Kiaracondong-Cicalengka.

Head of BTP Bandung Endang Setiawan said that after completing phase I of the Gedebage-Hourpugur segment in 2022 and having been fully operational. The total route built in phase I is 14 km/sp with a budget of IDR 779 billion.

Now, continued Endang, the second phase of the Kiaracondong-Gedebage and Haurpugur-Cicalengka segments is almost complete. Currently, the progress of the work in that segment has reached 92 percent.

"The Kiaracondong-Cicalengka doubles channel phase II is targeted to be fully operational by 2024, we hope that with the construction of this double line, it can provide benefits for the community of train users," he said in an official statement, Thursday, October 3.

Endang also said that in the second phase of construction work, the length of the route built was 9 km/sp with a budget of IDR 585 billion.

The Ministry of Transportation has issued a total budget of IDR 1.3 trillion for the construction of the Kiaracondong-Cicalengka double line with a path length of 23 km/sp.

Endang explained that before the construction of the Kiaracondong-Cicalengka double line, trains crossing the route needed to take turns so that the train travel time became longer.

In addition, continued Endang, the benefits of building a double line are to improve aspects of safety and security on train travel.

"The construction of the Doubles line also includes improving rail safety and improving operating facilities from mechanical to electric signals with the aim of supporting electrification on the Bandung Raya crossing," he explained.

For your information, for the last 10 years, DJKA has always prioritized the safety and comfort of train users. Train transportation modes have made rapid progress compared to previous years.

DJKA through BTP Bandung has also increased stations in several areas in West Java. This is to improve the quality of train passenger services.

Not only for the Kiaracondong-Cicalengka crossing, but also for the development of Railway Infrastructure on the Railroad Doubles Line between Padalarang-Bandung. With a total budget of IDR 717 billion, the scope of work on the cross section includes the arrangement of the assembly, station development, construction of the signal system and telecommunications.

In addition, in order to reduce the number of accidents at the railroad crossing, DJKA through the Bandung Class I Railway Engineering Center handled railroad crossings at 2 points by building Flyovers consisting of Ciroyom Flyovers, JPL 157B and Pusdikpom Flyovers, JPL 150A.

Endang said that currently the Ciroyom Flyover is in preparation for operation next month. He said the construction of the flyover was also carried out to support the operation of the Feeder Train, whose departure schedule has now increased.

"Currently, the Ciroyom Flyover construction process has been completed and the operational target is in October 2024. Meanwhile, for the Pusdikpom Flyover, the construction progress has reached 24.9 percent," concluded Endang.