The Realization Of The Pre-Employment Card Program Budget Is Almost Capai Target

JAKARTA - The government has allocated a budget of IDR 5 trillion for the Pre-Employment Card program by targeting 1.2 million participants in 2024.

The realization of the program's budget has almost reached the ceiling of the Budget Implementation List (DIPA), where the number of participants has almost reached 1.5 million people.

Pre-Employment Executive Director Denni Puspa Purbasari said that the realization of the pre-employment card program budget has almost reached DIPA.

"(The realization of the budget), Almost the police, Almost the police," he said at the media during a pre-work briefing, Wednesday, October 2.

However, Denni was reluctant to provide further information regarding the extension of the card program next year.

"Just wait and see what the new government will say. However, the discussion was directly from the source, namely the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Pak Ses, and I, related to the Pre-Employment program, did indeed occur," he said.

Denni explained that his party had optimized a budget of IDR 5 trillion and in the implementation there were pre-employment participants who did not take advantage of 100 percent scholarships.

"In accordance with the provisions in Permenko Ekonomi 15 days after completing the first training, the funds will not be withdrawn by PMO to then be realized for other participants. Thus, why can we reach almost 1.5 million or even 1.5 million people," he explained.

On the same occasion, Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Susiwijono Moegiarso, said that the pre-employment card program has an important role in sustainability in opening up opportunities for job creation.

"I think the current position will be more important. Especially if this issue is an issue of job opening, issues related to our workforce, especially later on the middle class issues. Everything is very relevant and should be very positive for us to sustain," he explained.

"However, and still, later we will be in a new government, we hope that the continuation of the final decision will remain in the new government," he added.