Police Call The Perpetrators Of Disbandment Not Part Of The Discussion Demonstrators Group At Grand Kemang

Polda Metro Jaya emphasized that the perpetrators of the disbandment of discussions at the Grand Kemang Hotel were not part of the mass that demonstrated the activity.

It is known, there was a group of people holding demonstrations against the discussion activity entitled 'Diaspora'.

"No, it's a different story. What these perpetrators are from behind," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters, Wednesday, October 2.

Based on the evidence in the form of witness statements and so on, the series of disbandment actions began when a discussion activity was held, which allegedly had no notification.

After that, a group of mobs appeared to hold a demonstration around the Grand Kemang Hotel.

"So there was a discussion activity that was suspected of notification, then there was a demonstration in front of group A. Suddenly there was group B who did this," he said.

The group of suspects took advantage of the focus of officers who were securing the demonstration. Then they entered the room where discussions were held and forcibly dispersed them.

"Suddenly someone entered to destroy it. So there was a different community group," said Ade.

"It's not the demo, so the demo has nothing to do with those who commit this crime," he continued.

In this disbandment case, the police arrested three suspects. They have the initials MR, FEK and GW.

MR played a role in kicking one of the security guards and tried to hit him.

Meanwhile, the suspect FEK acted as the field coordinator, while GW infiltrated the national discussion room and carried out acts of vandalism.