Some Of These Ways Can Maintain A Battery Usage Period On Android Phones With The Maximum

JAKARTA - Your device's battery life depends on the type of device you have. However, you can still maintain battery health easily.

One of them is by using less power. That way, you will get a more durable phone battery. Google provides some tips you can do to save on Android phone power usage, such as:

But on the other hand, the correct phone charging also affects the health of your battery. Google recommends that you occasionally drain the battery to below 10% and then charge it to full overnight.

In addition, several Android phones are equipped with battery-saving features or low-power modes, which help charge for longer.

If you don't need a cellular network, activate the Airplane mode, or use Wi-Fi instead of cellular data.

Don't forget to turn off any connectivity or location on your phone including Bluetooth connection and Location access. However, some applications and features will not work when the Location is turned off.