4 Examples Of Transactional Relations, Know The Tips So You Don't Get It

YOGYAKARTA A 'transactional relationship' is a relationship in which every person in contact does something for another party, in the hope of getting something in return. Simply put, the two parties who are in a relationship have a pattern of giving and receiving each other with little reward. According to licensed psychologist Nicholas Forlenza, Ph.D., transactional relations are an unavoidable and often necessary component of society. Because there are practicalities and clear restrictions on this kind of relationship. For example in the context of business. But in a more casual, non-strange social realm, the two parties agree to establish a relationship that is beneficial for both of them.

Transactional relations are also called reciprocal relations. But there are formal rules and hopes for each other. Unlike romantic relationships, transactional relationships do not do good because they care, care, or empathy. The motivation of establishing transactional relationships is to receive rewards. Here are examples of transactional relationships, launching VeryWellMind, Monday, September 30.

In the workplace, you work to earn a salary, or reward. Relationships between customers and service providers are also transactional. For example, when you pay for the services of the architect who designs your house. Transactional relationships in the workplace, are professional. That is, there are those who provide jobs and they pay for the people who do it.

In politics, candidates provide mutual support from voters for their support for certain policies and promises made by candidates during the campaign. Likewise, politicians who are in office can support their colleagues' policy plans in exchange for their support in the future. It also affects political relations on a much larger scale. Internationally, countries are often involved in mutual agreements based on mutual promises to give and accept what is meant to benefit the two countries.

Romantic relationships can also have a transactional element even though they are based on reciprocal and global behavior rather than professional exchanges. At some level, most people hope to get good treatment from their partners after doing good things too. This is natural and healthy, because without 'transactional' the relationship is one-sided. But it is important to note, in love life there are other aspects, such as trust, intimacy, and not business agreement. Relationships in love life seem to be based on sincerity and love, instead of profit-loss calculations.

Friendship often has several transactional elements, especially for more casual relationships. While it may not be the right one-on-one exchange, many people hope that there will be time sacrifices, support, and assistance that come with friendship. However, that doesn't mean that pure friendship is transactional. Everyone can contribute in a different way to a relationship.

Because transactional relationships are prone to triggering emotional aspects, including feelings, so it's not important to note several things. First, open to each other's expectations in order to minimize the risk of misunderstanding and disappointment. Second, it is necessary to learn to negotiate effectively to both know what you want and outline requirements and be open to compromise. Third, show empathy because successful transactional relations require each party involved to understand each other. Fourth, stay flexible and be fair so that both parties need to fulfill their needs.

In psychological glasses, transactional relationships have a negative side. Because this type of relationship tends to be shallow, so it does not have a sincere emotional relationship or gives a meaningful meaning except to give-accept. Therefore, sometimes people feel unappreciated, the relationship tends to be short-term, and is prone to treating unfairly. So in the business realm, it is usually included in a written contract. But for transactional relationships in the realm of romance and friendship, it may feel more complicated and prone to making baper.