Serdang Deli Democrats Unpack SBY's Steps, AHY Now Wants To Hold KLB To Change AD/ART

JAKARTA - The head of the Department of Communication and Informatics DPP Moeldoko's Democrat Party, Saiful Huda Ems, revealed the shocking news from the Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) camp.

After the announcement of the Kemenkumham decision, the AHY leadership Democrat Party will soon be called to hold an Extraordinary Congress (KLB) which aims to change the AD / ART of the Democratic Party 2020. Where in the past, this rule was changed by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) outside the congress.

"The AD / ART 2020 has proven to be a lot of problems because it violates the constitution and violates the Political Party Law, which places Ketum AHY and the Chair of the SBY Party High Council as kings," said Saiful, Thursday, April 1.

With the Sibolangit KLB, Saiful revealed, SBY's badness in leading the parties one by one began to be discovered. SBY, he said, made the Democrat Party a political party that drained trillions of state treasury and only produced the tough corruptors he protected.

"All of this proves that the KLB Sibolangit which appointed Moeldoko as General Chairperson is actually very beneficial, it can expose the political rottenness of SBY who for years controlled political parties with his own family," he said.

Therefore, according to Saiful, it is normal for cadres who are in Moeldoko's line to remind all the nation's children in this country to no longer trust SBY and AHY.

"Too many political crimes have accumulated. It is only right for the Indonesian nation to bury his name in the Mangkrak Hambalang Temple," said Saiful.

Meanwhile, the Democrat Party Declarator Darmizal confirmed the KLB agenda to be held by AHY. Darmizal is happy when AHY makes an extraordinary event to improve AD / ART.

"We get stories from people. It is true or not they should be the ones who answer. I hope it is true, because the story we heard that they will carry out an extraordinary event with a single agenda, namely to improve AD / ART 2020, so that it does not collide with the Law, they say, not us, "said Darmiza.

Darmizal did not reveal who it was. "The name is a person, we only heard. If it is true, we are grateful for understanding the mistake," said Darmizal.