KPK: Titip Absen Atau Menyontek Bukan Pidana Tapi Pribaku Koruptif
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said young people should be reminded about anti-corruption values. That way in the future, they do not commit corrupt behavior in their daily lives such as cheating or entrusting absences.
This was conveyed by KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata at the launch of the latest KPK social media account platform on TikTok, @KPK_RI on Thursday, September 26. He hopes that anti-corruption messages can be received easily by young people.
"This is what we have to teach our children, for example, at school, leave attendance or cheat is corruption? In corruption, of course, it does not enter, but it has entered corrupt behavior. Bad habits. This understanding we will continue to remind young people," Alexander said as quoted from his written statement on Saturday, September 28.
Alexander hopes that young people can more accept the issue of eradicating corruption from the newly launched KPK TikTok account. Moreover, the KPK recognition survey said 80 percent of the public knew more about the anti-corruption commission through the television medium.
"We are faced with challenges as well as opportunities to be closer to society, especially the younger generation," he said.
"Therefore, it is important to update according to the development of digital technology," said Alexander.
The public's enthusiasm for the KPK TikTok has been felt. There have been a total of 13,500 followers since this account was launched.
One of the content uploaded was short-distance content in the case of former Kutai Kertanegara Regent Rita Widyasari who had been named a suspect in bribery and gratification by the KPK in 2017. Then, he was again named a suspect in the crime of money laundering (TPPU).
Rita kemudian diilustrakan memiliki banyak kendaraan mewah yang dibayarnya dengan uang hasil penerima suap dan gratifikasi yang dilakukannya. Saat ini, KPK telah menyita 91 mobil dan motor mewah dalam berbagai merek.