The Challenges Of The Attorney General's Office In The Prabowo Government

JAKARTA - A political observer from Lingkar Madina, Ray Rangkuti, emphasized that the KPK is currently walking into its own grave. The alumnus of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta explained that currently the anti-rasuah institution has been used as a political tool by the authorities to suppress its political opponents.

This 98 activist mentioned the case of Harun Masiku, whose whereabouts have not yet been revealed. According to Ray, the Harun Masiku case has now reopened to the surface after four years of running.

"Harun Masukan hilang empat tahun, karena sudah berpisah (Jokowi-PDIP), sekarang digub-ubek lagi. Keketahuan sangat, politik tergantung pada siapa presidennya," kata Ray Rangkuti dalam diskusi publik terkait kinerja Kejaksaan Agung (Kejagung), Jakarta, Jumat, 27 September.

The law enforcement and reforms index that slumped in the era of President Jokowi's administration is not new. Ray gave an example, Ubedillah Badrun, who had reported President Jokowi's two sons, Gibran Rakabuming Raka and Kaesang Pangarep, to the KPK regarding the alleged KKN in 2022.

"Ubed reported allegations of corruption committed by the president's children. As soon as it was submitted to the KPK, it had only been a matter of weeks that there was an answer that the report was rejected by the KPK," he said.

The same thing related to the decline in the performance of the KPK was also revealed by members of the Indonesian democracy defense team (TPDI) Petrus Selestinus. According to him, the current legal condition in this country is at its lowest point. "Many preventive tasks are very minimal even though the power of the KPK is large." he said.

He said that in order to re-enforce the law as expected, the Attorney General's Office was deemed necessary to take over the task of eradicating corruption in the era of Prabowo's future government.

"Clean and fair law enforcement is the main key in eradicating corruption. The Attorney General's Office (AGO) as a legal institution is expected to always maintain its independence in the era of the elected presidential government Prabowo Subianto," he said.