Vadel Badjideh Asks For Examination Postponed Due To Sickness, Police Haven't Received Official Notifications

JAKARTA - PLH Kasie Humas Polres Metro South Jakarta, AKP Nurma Dewi opened her voice regarding Vadel Badjideh's request to postpone her examination due to illness. Nurma said that until now investigators were still waiting for an official notification from Vadel alias his attorney.

"Yes, later we will check back with investigators, we have to really clear the explanation. Indeed, later we will ask again to the investigators after that I will update it again," said Nurma Dewi at the South Jakarta Police, Friday, September 26.

"Usually if it is postponed, if it is not present from VA, they are summoned or asked to come to the Resort Police, provide written or verbal information, such as the habit of investigators, lawyers who are summoned," he said.

Because there has been no official notification, the investigators will remain on the inspection schedule which was informed, namely today at 14.00 WIB.

"Yesterday, it was submitted to investigators for a postponement letter from Vadel's attorney who delivered it. However, investigators are still waiting 14.00 because indeed, the hour, day, date has been determined. Later we will update it again after 14.00," he said.

Previously, Vadel Badjideh's attorney, Razman Arif Nasution, said that his client had received a summons from the South Jakarta Metro Police investigators.

However, the inspection, which was scheduled for Friday, September 27 at 14.00 WIB, had to be postponed due to Vadel's illness.

"Regarding Vadel, there has been an invitation letter for clarification. So don't interpret the summons, there are already stages where there is an invitation to clarify the South Jakarta Police to our client, brother Vadel, who was asked to attend on Friday at 14.00," said Razman Arif Nasution via zoom connection, Thursday, September 26.

"But because of two things, first, Vadel's brother is not healthy anymore, we have coordinated since yesterday afternoon and caused him to not be able to fulfill the call," he continued.