DKPP Yakin KPU-Bawaslu Gagap Hadapi Perubahan Regulasi Di Tengah Tahapan Pemilu

BOGOR - The Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) said that changes in regulations in the midst of the election stages disrupted the duties of the General Elections Commission (KPU) and the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu). This condition has resulted in widespread ethical violations.

"The regulations that arose during the stage also made election organizers, be it the KPU, Bawaslu experiencing stuttering, nervousness to respond to the new regulations," said Chairman of the Election Organizing Honorary Council (DKPP) Heddy Lugito to reporters in the Bogor area, West Java, Thursday night, September 26.

"So the implications sometimes there are also ethical violations there. That's actually a matter of regulation," he continued.

Not only about violations, Heddy also highlighted the issue of electoral quality with sudden changes in regulations. "(This condition, ed) will certainly result in the election stage being disrupted," he said.

If the election stages are disrupted, the quality of democracy will decrease. "Therefore, DKPP hopes that no more regulations will emerge during the stages of the election. Because the implications are broad," said Heddy.

"When the stages are disrupted, and the emergence of regulations at that stage suddenly will also reduce the quality of our elections. When the quality of our elections is reduced, our democratic quality will decrease," he concluded.