MenPAN RB: ASN Involved In Online Gambling Subjected To Tukin Cutting Sanctions Until Fired

JAKARTA - Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas has just issued Circular Letter Number 5 of 2024 concerning Prevention and Handling of Online Gambling within Government Agencies.

Azwar Anas explained that the circular was issued to prevent and take action against online gambling. ASNs who are proven to be involved will be given strict sanctions.

Quoted from the circular, ASN who are involved in online gambling with a negative impact on work units or agencies will be subject to light to moderate punishment. However, if these activities are detrimental to the state or government, perpetrators can be subject to severe disciplinary penalties.

The punishment given refers to Government Regulation (PP) Number 94 of 2021 concerning Civil Servant Discipline. Types of light disciplinary punishment ranging from verbal warnings to written warnings.

The circular also regulates non-ASN employees who are proven to be involved in online gambling. PPK can consider the employee's work performance or even terminate employment in accordance with existing contracts.