The Ministry Of Finance Explains The Potential For Acceptance From Sea Sand Exports Reaches IDR 2.5 Trillion

SERANG - Directorate General of Budget (DJA) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) revealed that the potential for state revenue from sea sand exports reached IDR 2.5 trillion.

Director of Non-Tax Revenue of Ministries / Institutions DJA of the Ministry of Finance Wawan Sunarjo said that his party had not taken into account the potential for state revenues resulting from sea sand exports.

"For sea sand, there is only PP, so in 2025 there is no target. How much really is it? We don't dare to talk," he said in the media gathering of the Ministry of Finance 2024, Thursday, September 26.

However, Wawan said that he would take a rough example if the amount was based on a calculation with an estimated export of 50 million cubic meters with an estimated price of Rp93,000 and multiplied by a rate per cubic meter of 30 percent - 35 percent.

Pasir laut di tahun 2025 belum ada targetnya, kami tidak berani bicara bila hanya apalkan kalau ada volume, jika kita ekspor adalah 50 juta meter kubik, maka kemungkinannya Rp2.5 triliun, katanya.

Wawan said he could not confirm when this policy would take effect. Considering that it is not easy to explore sea sand.

However, the animals conveyed that there were challenges in exploring the marine sand sediment component.

Quoting a statement from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), Wawan explained that the exploration of sediment needs further research because he is worried that there is still mineral content in it.

"If there is a mineral, it's not allowed. Later there will be research," he concluded.

To note, the permit was granted after the issuance of derivative regulations for Government Regulation (PP) Number 26 of 2023 concerning Management of sedimentation Results in the Sea. Namely the Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) Number 20 of 2024 and the Minister of Trade Regulation Number 21 of 2024.