Geger The Body Of A Subang Resident With Bound Hands Found In A Boarding House In Jambi

JAMBI - Residents in Pakuan Baru Village, South Jambi District, Jambi City, were shocked by the discovery of the body of a woman in a boarding house room cupboard on Wednesday, September 25 evening.

The victim, known to have the initials RW (30), is a resident of Subang Regency, West Java. When found, the woman's body was tied back.

RW's body was first discovered by a friend of the victim who previously contacted by telephone, but there was no response.

The Head of Sub-Division of Public Relations of the Jambi Regional Police, Kompol Amin Nasution, explained that based on the conditions when he was found, it was suspected that the body was a murder victim.

"The suspicion is murder because the first time it was found was in an unnatural condition," said Amin Nasution, Thursday, September 26.

The police are currently still investigating the cause of RW's death and examining a number of witnesses to reveal the perpetrators of the murder.