Gadungan Police Peras Pengdagang Di Jateng Bermoduskan Ada Kecelakaan Tertangkap Di Tegal
The Temanggung Police have arrested a fake police officer from Lampung with the initials MSY (39) who carried out extortion by grazing the victim's vehicle in a number of areas in Central Java (Central Java).
Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Temanggung Police, AKP Didik Tri Wibowo, said the perpetrator was arrested at a hotel in Tegal City.
"Pelaku biasanya akan menghentikan kendaraan korban dengan alasan telah terjadi kecelakaan lalu lintas. Kemudian, pelaku akan mengancam korban dengan mengaku sebagai anggota polisi dan meminta sejumlah uang sebagai rugi," katanya di Temanggung, Jawa Tengah, Kamis 26 September, disitat Antara.
This case was first revealed after a report from a resident who was the victim of extortion on August 31, 2024 on Dangkel Parakan Street, Temanggung.
The victim admitted that he had handed over Rp1.3 million to the perpetrator after being threatened with being taken to the police station.
"TKP in Temanggung is not the only one. Perpetrators have also acted in several other areas such as Kedu, Kranggan, Kaloran, Magelang, Wonosobo, Cilacap, Banyumas, Kendal, Pekalongan, Brebes, Pemalang, Tegal, and Semarang," he said.
He said the results of the examination showed that the money from extortion was used by the perpetrators to meet their daily needs and also to gamble. The average money that the perpetrators managed to cover from each action ranged from Rp. 500 thousand to Rp. 5 million.