Prepare Troops, Israeli Military Prepares Ground Attack Options For Lebanon

JAKARTA - The Israeli military is preparing for a ground attack on Lebanon. Israeli airstrikes on Hezbollah's target for three consecutive days killed nearly 600 people.

"You heard the sound of the jet above; we have carried out attacks throughout the day," General Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi told troops while visiting the northern border, according to a military press release reported by CNN, Wednesday, September 25.

This is to prepare a basis for your possible entry and to continue to deal with Hezbollah.

This is the second time an important Israeli general has said ground operations may soon be carried out. Israel's top general in the north, Major General Ori Gordin, said the military should be fully prepared to carry out maneuvers.

This also happened just hours after the Israeli Defense Forces said it had summoned two reserve brigades due to a conflict with Hezbollah.

Halevi told troops to repatriate 60,000 Israelis to their homes in the north.

We are preparing a maneuver process. This means your military shoes, your maneuvering shoes, will enter enemy territory, enter villages that Hezbollah has prepared as a large military post, with underground infrastructure, preparation points, and launch pads to our territory and carry out attacks on Israeli civilians," he said.

Your entry into the region with your strength, your meeting with Hezbollah agents, will show them what it means to face professional, high-skill, and experienced forces in combat. You come stronger and much more experienced than them. You will enter, destroy the enemy there, and destroy their infrastructure decisively. These are things that allow us to safely return the northern population afterward, "said Halevi.