Euthanasia In Indonesia, Here Are The Rules And Cases

YOGYAKARTA Euthanasia or the act of ending someone's life on purpose to relieve his suffering in Indonesia is still being debated. This practice has not been fully accepted by the public. In fact, some people think that euthanasia is an act that violates human rights (HAM).

What is euphanasia can be understood as an end to life intentionally in order to alleviate the suffering experienced by a person. The suffering in question refers to a health condition that cannot be cured by medical means.

Although some people in Indonesia know the euphania procedure, this practice is still illegal and includes unlawful acts.

Reporting from the Journal of Muara, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts published in October 2022, there are no rules governing the demand for euphania in Indonesia. Even so, if this practice is carried out, the act will be equated with committing murder.

Euthanasia's own actions are contrary to the Criminal Code (KUHP), namely in the Criminal Code Article 338 with the following sound.

'Whoever deliberately loses another person's soul, is convicted of murder, with a maximum prison sentence of 15 years'.

In addition, Article 340 of the Criminal Code it is also stated that anyone who intentionally and with a planned loss of another person's life, shall be punished for premeditated murder (Hardd), with the death penalty or life imprisonment, or a maximum temporary prison of 20 years.

A criminal sentence for euthanasia's actions is based on Article 345 of the Criminal Code. The snare can be imposed on a doctor or family who gives permission to take euthanasia. The text of Article 345 of the Criminal Code is anyone who deliberately advises another person to commit suicide or provides facilities for it, shall be punished with a maximum imprisonment of four years in prison.

In Indonesia, the euthanasia procedure was proposed by a fisherman from Lhoksumawe City, Aceh. On January 6, 2022, Nazaruddin Razali (59) submitted a request to the court to carry out a lethal injection. The application was even in the spotlight and was reported in various national media.

Atas permintaan tersebut, PN Lhokseumawe menggelar beberapa proses persidangan yang berujung pada penolahan atas permohonan. Dalam pembacaan putusan yang dibacakan oleh hakim tunggal PN Lhokseumawe Budi Sunanda, dikatakan bahwa penolakan dilakukan lantaran Indonesia tak punya referensi hukum terkait penyelitkan mati.

"Hereby rejecting the petitioner's petition because Indonesia does not have a legal reference regarding euthanasia (dead injection)," said the judge, Thursday (27/1/2022).

The judge also stated that the lethal injection requested was an act that violated human rights because it was part of the act of killing someone's life. The judge explained that the crime was a maximum of 12 years in prison.

In addition, the judge also considered the input of the ulama who said that the practice of lethal injection was against Islamic law.

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