KPAI The Restorative Value Of Justice Is Not A Solution In The Bullying Case In Binus Simprug, South Jakarta
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) assesses that restorative justice is not the right solution in handling cases of bullying at Binus schools, Simprug, South Jakarta.
"No, mas (RJ is not the right solution)," said KPAI Commissioner, Diyah Puspitarini when confirmed, Tuesday, September 24.
He also considered that the case should have been continued to completion first so that the investigation report (BAP) could be completed.
"The process should have been carried out first. The BAP was fulfilled, then there was a case title. Yes, that's important. That must be enforced by those rules. That is still being pursued first," he said.
Previously, the South Jakarta Metro Police studied the presence of elements of sexual harassment as RE (16) said, victims of bullying at Binus School Simprug, South Jakarta.
Until now, there are 18 officers who are still examining witnesses.
The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Gogo Galesung, said that the reported person in this case was still a witness. Therefore, it takes time to process this case.
"In the meantime, the post-mortem is still violent. All of them are still witnesses," Gogo told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Thursday, September 19.
Regarding the information that stated that the gang of perpetrators from among party officials and chairmen, Gogo confirmed that his party had not found the truth of the statement.
"We've checked that everything has nothing to do with the news," explained Gogo.