Trade Minister Zulhas Meets Kadin Boss Anindya Bakrie, Discuss What?

JAKARTA - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan met with the General Chair of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) as a result of the 2024 Munaslub, Anindya Bakrie. The two discussed economic and trade issues.

The second meeting took place at the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Office located at the Kadin Tower, Jakarta, Tuesday, September 24.

"Discussions on various things, especially our economic and trade situations. I say we are grateful for these days, yes, the data and facts are better, better. What, for example, our growing economy is still above 5 percent, right?, "he said at the Kadin Tower, Jakarta, Tuesday, September 24.

The man who is familiarly called Zulhas said Indonesia's economic growth could say it was better because it could exceed World Bank or World Bank estimates.

Bank dunia, IMF, dan lain-lain juga memperkirakan pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia diperkirakan antara 3 sampai 3,2 persen, katanya.

In addition, Zulhas said that he and Anindya Bakrie along with other members of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry also discussed economic conditions in the country. One of them is basic daily necessities that are of concern to the public.

According to Zulhas, the price of basic necessities is stable and safe. In fact, he considered it tends to be in a declining position.

"Then in the country, the prices of daily necessities are the concern of the wider community. Now it's not inflation, this month it's even deplation. This means that it is estimated that our inflation will be between 2 and 3, yes. So it's under last year," he explained.

Zulhas also mentioned the change of government on October 20. He said that currently the rupiah is in a stronger position and the movement of shares is also good.

"Rupiah, try to see, right? That's almost 8-10 percent, you know. From Rp16,600 to Rp16,700, now it's Rp15,200. Almost, you know, it's huge, yes," he said.

"Shares are blue, huh. Blue or green, huh? Green. Good means. So this situation I think is encouraging ahead of October 20," he continued.

Meanwhile, Anindya Bakrie admitted that she received directions from the Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan. He said Zulhas reminded him to work.

Earlier the direction was very good. He said work, work, work because of the future we must be optimistic," said Anindya.

Anindya revealed that there were three topics of discussion in his meeting with Zulhas. The first is regarding the illegal imported goods Task Force (Satgas). The second is about the opportunity to open a new export market.

Finally, continued Anindya, how the role of the regions and business actors of MSMEs is involved in trading.

Anindya said that the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is committed to continuing to be the government's strategic partner in increasing the pertum GROWth of the domestic economy.

"We agree that Kadin will continue to be a partner of the government. So it means that we always work together to think about the good for the Indonesian economy," he said.