KPU Fixs Sirekap For The Accuracy Of The 2024 Regional Head Election Results

JAKARTA - The General Elections Commission (KPU) is committed to improving the use of the Recapitulation Information System (Sirekap) for the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada.

KPU member Idham Holik guarantees Sirekap for the regional elections will be better so that the information displayed can be more accurate and does not trigger public polemics as has happened in the 2024 Simultaneous Elections

"In the discussion of the PKPU draft earlier, we conveyed the KPU's commitment to improving the information technology system that used to be in the holding of the 2024 Simultaneous Elections, we named Sirekap," said Idham as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, September 24.

To ensure that Sirekap can run well during collection, counting, and recapitulation of votes, the KPU will conduct simulations in all regencies/cities which will be held in October 2024.

"The simulation of the voting and vote counting will involve various parties, not only Bawaslu according to the level or candidate pairs according to the level, but also wide monitoring, journalists, and the public," he said.

"To ensure that all parties can understand the technical policies that will be implemented by the KPU regarding voting and vote counting and to ensure that the voting process, vote counting meets the principles of electoral integrity," he continued.

In addition, he mentioned that the KPU used two formats for Sirekap, namely online and offline. According to him, online formats make it easier for the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) to be connected to the internet network.

Then, KPPS can also use Sirekap in offline conditions where later screenshots of the plano results c model form at polling stations (TPS) can be distributed to witnesses via bluetooth.

Idham also explained that the plano result model c form that has been digitized into PDF format cannot be changed. This is to anticipate that there are certain parties who want to change the plano result model c form.

"It is different from the PDF format in general, which can be converted into a word or other format which is then converted back," concluded Idham.