Riza Patria: The Timses Structure Of The RIDO Pair Will Be Submitted To The KPU Tomorrow

JAKARTA - The head of the Ridwan Kamil-Suswono (RIDO) team, Ahmad Riza Patria, said that his party would convey the structure and names of the timses to the KPU tomorrow, Wednesday, September 25.

This was conveyed by Riza after accompanying pair number 01, Ridwan Kamil-Suswono signed a declaration of a peaceful campaign organized by the Jakarta KPUD at the Fatahillah Museum in the Kota Tua area, West Jakarta.

"Yes, it will be submitted to the KPU tomorrow. Tomorrow the structure will be submitted to the KPU," said Riza Patria in Kota Tua, Tuesday, September 24.

It is known, pair number 03 Pramono Anung-Rano Karno announced his timses some time ago. However, the RIDO pair has not yet conveyed to the public about their timses, even though the Jakarta gubernatorial election campaign is about to begin.

Previously, the candidate for governor of Jakarta number 01, Ridwan Kamil stated that the structure of the winning team or the success team (timses) of the Ridwan Kamil-Suswono (RIDO) pair was complete. However, the announcement, said RK, became the policy of the Chairman of the DPD Gerindra Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria as the head of the timses.

"Ask Pak Ariza, once again the ngumumin policy, there is already a move, so the candidate pairs are not burdened with announcing it," said Ridwan Kamil in Kota Tua, West Jakarta, Tuesday, September 24.

"But what I make sure is that the structure is already there, it's complete, I just need to collect it later, I will remind him if he happens to be with him," he continued.