About To Declare A Peaceful Pilkada, Paslon Regent/Deputy Regent Of Tasikmalaya 1-2 Melekos Leave Paslon Number 3

TASIKMALAYA - The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java, regretted the attitude of the two pairs of candidates (paslon) for the regent/deputy regent who left the peace declaration. The 'action' of the two candidate pairs took place when one candidate was about to give a statement of attitude.

"Yes, like that (fortunate), every event carried out by the KPU to the pairs of candidates to respect each other, respect, in the future, nothing like that will happen again," said Head of Bawaslu Tasikmalaya Regency, Dodi Djuanda when contacted via cell phone in Tasikmalaya, Antara, Tuesday, September 24.

The incident was after the draw and plenary meeting of the open plenary meeting of the candidate pair for Regent-Deputy Regent Tasikmalaya, namely number one (1) pair Iwan Saputra-Dede Muksit Aly, number two (2) pair Cecep Nurul Yakin (resist of deputy regent)-Asep Sopari Alayubi, and serial number three (3) pair Ade Sugianto (resisting regent)-Iip Miftahul Faoz.

Dodi explained that after the determination of the serial number of the pair participating in the Tasikmalaya Regional Election was completed, the KPU then held a peace declaration event asking each candidate pair to give an oration or statement at the same place as the Islamic Center Building, Tasikmalaya, last Monday.

"The open plenary meeting has been completed, there is a signing of the news of the declaration of a peaceful campaign, continue to be given the opportunity for each pair of candidates to give a few, two broken words by the KPU," he said.

The opportunity to speak at the declaration event, said Dodi, took place according to the candidate pair number starting with the first sequence number, then the second sequence number.

However, when the third pair number was about to come forward to deliver their statements, said Dodi, the two pairs of candidates and their supporters actually left the event activities, which had not yet been declared the event was completed by the organizers.

"When the candidate pair three, candidate pair 1 and 2 come out, that's all, if the plenary meeting has been completed, because the KPU provides an opportunity, completes the draw of serial numbers, the signing of the declaration is carried out," he said.

He said that the action was a lesson for the Tasikmalaya Regency KPU to consider the time in each of its implementations because the incident coincided with before the time of Maghrib.

"Maybe because the time is tight for Maghrib, when Maghrib is finished, the KPU lessons in terms of the implementation of prayer times," he said.

Ketua KPU Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Ami Imran Tamami menyatakan adanya aksi keluar oleh dua paslon saat acara masih berlangsung itu akan menjadi evaluasi bagi KPU sebagai penyelenggara Pilkada Tasikmalaya.

According to him, the incident is a political dynamic that is expected to happen again in the future, and the implementation of the Tasikmalaya Regency Pilkada is safe.

"We will evaluate yesterday's activity. This is just a political dynamic, hopefully the simultaneous elections in Tasikmalaya will run safely, cheerfully, as is the tag line for the West Java KPU and Tasikmalaya," he said.

Former Regent of Tasikmalaya and Deputy Governor of West Java Uu Ruzhanul Ulum responded to the incident, which should not have happened, especially as a candidate for leader must have good ethics.

According to him, the action to leave the event is still ongoing, especially when other candidate pairs have not submitted statements or political speeches that are categorized as violating ethics.

"The problem is that this is ethics, the ethics of the candidate leader must be good, don't forget, these candidates are the best people, the chosen people in Tasikmalaya Regency, they should not show such incidents, the action to leave the event when other couples have not delivered their speeches," he said.

Uu said contestation is a common thing, therefore it must show a good political attitude to society, and must be able to create that the regional elections are fun, not showing differences.

"Don't show the difference, the split, you see, give good political education to the community," he told reporters in Tasikmalaya.