Stretch Mark Appears On Shoulder, The Solution Can Do The Following 3 Things

JAKARTA - Stretch marks on the shoulder are common and do not cause serious health problems. However, this skin fiber can reduce self-confidence, especially for those of you who like to wear the off-the-shoulder model.

There are several reasons for the emergence of stretch marks. It could be due to pregnancy, intense exercise, or rapid weight gain that causes a buildup of fat. Although stretch marks cannot be fully treated, according to Pink Villa, Tuesday, September 24, there are several ways to prevent and fade stretch marks to some extent.

1. Topol Treatment: This treatment is applied to the skin's surface

Emollients: Topical creams suggested by certain dermatologists and oils that are skin-friendly such as coconut oil act as emolienes and moisturizers, thereby providing hydration on the skin. Hydration allows faster skin healing, which is why real results can be seen when applied to the skin.

Retinol: There has been research showing that topical applications of tretinoin cream 0.05 percent (retinol derivatives) reduce the emergence of premature skin strains. This is because retinol has the effect of skin peeling and cell proliferation on the skin.

Acid peels: Acid peels is topical, such as glycolic acid, hydroxy alpha acid can be used to treat skin fiber due to exfoliating effects on the skin.

2. Cosmetics treatment: This treatment includes invasive procedures aimed at overcoming various skin problems performed by trained skin aesthetics experts. Some cosmetic treatments that can be used to improve stretch marks look include;

Microdermabration: This is a non-operative procedure that is minimally invasive in the uppermost layer of the skin (epidermis). This procedure is used to flatten the skin's surface by removing the upper layer of the epidermis that activates the skin updating mechanism.

Micro-needling: It is also a minimal invasive technique that uses mini needles that puncture the outer layer of the skin to channel nutrients that are beneficial to the skin directly into the tissue so that it can be absorbed quickly and efficiently. This procedure is called collagen injection therapy when the needle distributes collagen to the targeted skin surface. This increases skin elastin and cell turnover, thus producing new cells in areas that cover scars.

Radiofrequency Ablation: This procedure uses the same work mechanism as microdermabration in which the uppermost layer of the skin is injured to produce a skin renewal mechanism. Here, continuous electrical stimulation is used to heat the target area that causes scar tissue.

3. Laser treatment: This clinical procedure, performed by trained health care providers, helps improve skin appearance. The laser therapy work mechanism is evaporating the outermost layers of the skin using a high intensity light beam or laser. This causes the activation of wound healing pathways in skin cells to help produce new collagen fibers.

Therefore, this procedure is very effective in removing scars related to acne, birth certificates, accidents, and aging-related problems such as wrinkles, pigmentation, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and stretch marks. There are three main types of laser-based maintenance such as coating of CO2 lasers, relaying of Erbium lasers, and relaying fractional lasers.