How To Clean An Irony Lengket With Materials From The Kitchen

YOGYAKARTA For housewives, dirty to sticky iron is something that is often found daily. This condition in the iron is usually only ignored. Even though there is a way to clean a sticky iron, namely with ingredients that can be found in the kitchen.

Cleaning sticky iron can be done independently with simple ingredients. Check out the list of materials that can be used to clean the iron.

How to clean the iron is adjusted to the materials used. Here are some ingredients that can be used and how to use them to clean the iron section.

The easiest and simplest way that can be applied to clean the iron is to use toothpaste. First, apply toothpaste in the iron iron iron that is sticky or hoarse. After that flattened it with a clean cloth and then turn on the iron for 5 minutes.

Wait for the iron to warm up in an upright position. After that pull the iron cable and then rub the iron into the clean cloth. The dirt will lift along with the toothpaste.

Cake soda has many benefits, one of which can clean the crust in iron. The method is very easy, take enough soda cake and then apply it to the iron iron iron that you want to clean. After flat brushing with a brush. Slowly the crust will be lifted. If you clean it again, the remaining cake and crust are left in the iron.

Other kitchen materials that can be used to clean the iron crust are kitchen salt. It's easy, sprinkle salt on a news base. After that turn the iron on in an upright condition. When it's hot, gently rub it over the salt-storted newspaper. You can do this with the highest temperature in the iron. Do it for several times until the crust is completely gone.

Cuka putting is high in acid so that it is able to clean the crust in the iron. The method is very easy, namely by heating the white vinegar. After that, rub the vinegar into the irony part wearing a clean cloth. If it is flat and clean, the irony lap that was cleaned used a wet cloth.

How to clean the wax with iron is also very easy. The trick is to turn on the iron and then adjust it at the highest temperature. After feeling hot, pull the cable as soon as possible. When the iron is still hot, immediately rub the wax on the desired part.

Throw the wax on the iron iron iron until it bounces back. If it's cold, remove the wax slowly with iron or a spirit instrument. Candles will help lift the crust that sticks to the iron.

Those are some ways to clean up a sticky iron. Visit to get other interesting information.