Good Regulated Sports To Take Care Of Your Health, Is It OK When You Are Sick?

YOGYAKARTA Exercise needs to be done regularly for useful results. When you are mildly ill, it's okay to exercise. But when you suffer from certain diseases, it is important to take a break.

Exercise helps improve the immune system. But can exercise when a weak body is followed by fever? It's natural that you want to continue exercising even when you feel unwell. Many experts use the rules, if you get sick on your neck, such as stuffy nose, sneezing, or earache, you can exercise with light intensity and shorter time. That's even if you are still able to move.

If you experience pain in the lower area of your neck, such as nausea, body pain, fever, diarrhea, cough, fever, shortness chest, you should rest and not exercise until you feel better. The following is an explanation of diseases that are still allowed or safe for exercise.

Light spots are caused by viral infections in the nose and throat. When experiencing it depends on how the condition is. Most people will have symptoms of sneezing, nasal congestion, and headaches to mild coughs. If you still have the energy to exercise, the best solution is to choose relaxed exercise such as walking outside the home rather than exercising heavily.

Hearing pain can be caused by sinus infection, sore throat, dental infection, or changes in pressure. Certain types of ear infection may cause a person to lose balance and cause fever. If followed by other symptoms, exercise is not safe. For that, before deciding to make sure the symptoms and medical diagnosis.

The nasal congestion is uncomfortable, if accompanied by fever or other symptoms such as coughing fast or shortness chest, consider taking a break in exercise first. If the nose is clogged, exercising can even help open the nasal channel so that it helps breathe better.

Sore throat is usually caused by infection with the common cold virus. In certain situations, such as sore throats accompanied by fever, you have to postpone exercise until you are sick with recovery. However, if you experience mild sore throat caused by something like the common cold or allergies, exercise is most likely safe. Launching Healthline, Monday, September 23, if you experience other symptoms that are often associated with common colds. Like fatigue and nasal congestion, consider reducing the intensity of normal exercise routines.

The above is an explanation of a disease that is still safe for exercise even though you must fully recognize the symptoms you feel. But if you follow fever, cough too often, stomach pain that causes vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea, as well as flu symptoms, it is important not to exercise first.