Jalan Pantura Pati Can Again Be Crossed After Bus Collis 2 Tronton Trucks Died 6 People

The police confirmed that the access to Jalan Pantura Pati was smooth again after the evacuation was carried out on two tronton trucks and one bus carrying was involved in an accident Monday, September 23.

"All the vehicles involved in the accident were successfully evacuated today (September 23), at around 12.30 WIB," said Head of Traffic Police, Kompol Asfauri, in Pati, Monday, September 23, confiscated by Antara.

Traffic flow, he said, there were no more obstacles because all types of vehicles could pass safely, after the vehicle involved in the accident was successfully evacuated from the scene.

He reminded the drivers who crossed Jalan Pantura Pati to be careful, even though the road was straight and wide.

"Don't forget to keep your distance safe with the vehicle in front of you. If you have been driving for four hours, you should rest first to avoid being sleepy while driving because it can reduce concentration," he said.

A traffic accident involving a Surya Bali Bus with two tronton trucks on Jalan Pantura Pati, in Jembangan Village, Batangan District, Pati Regency, Monday, September 23 at around 02.30 WIB resulted in the death of six people.

As for the chronology of the accident, it started when the Surya Bali bus numbered DK 7207 AC with 30 passengers traveling from east to west while the fuso truck with the number P 9339 OB was traveling from opposite or west to east, while behind it was a tronton truck with the number L 8899 UQ.

When he arrived at the scene, the bus driven by the Kudus resident walked too far to the right and hit the fuso truck with the number P 9339 OB on the right back, then hit again with a tronton truck with the number L 8899 UQ.

Of the six victims who died, including bus drivers and assistants, three passengers, and the second tronton truck driver also died. While there were six injured victims.

The victims who died have also been taken by their respective families to be buried in their home areas.

Polresta Pati juga masih melakukan penyelidikan guna mengungkapkan penyebab driver bus tidur, apakah tidur karena tidak ada rest atau jam kerja.

The victims died, namely an L 8899 UQ truck driver named Ahmad Suwandi from Gresik Regency, a bus driver named Ali Imron from Kudus, then Shodikin from Kudus, Heru Nur Cahyono from Jepara, Juli Supriynto from Kudus, and Syamsul Huda from Pati.