3 Died After The Overturned Immigrant Transport Rubber Boat In Greece

The Greek coast guard said three people were killed and five others rescued in an immigrant-carrying rubber boat crash off the coast of Samos Island, eastern Aegean, Greece.

Quoting AP, Monday, September 23, officers said the number of passengers in the rubber boat was not known for sure.

The search for victims of the overturned rubber boat was deployed in the northwestern region of Samos.

A total of three coast guard patrol boats, one private ship, and one air force helicopter have been deployed.

There has been no information regarding the identity or nationality of immigrants or asylum seekers who have been killed and rescued.

Greece is known to be located along one of the most popular routes to the European Union for immigrants fleeing conflict and poverty in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.

Although Greek authorities have issued strong warnings along the borders of their country with Turkey, thousands of immigrants have reportedly made it.

Often immigrants enter across the Turkish coast to nearby Greek islands by using thin rubber boats.