Members Of The Bekasi Metro Police TPP Examined By The Metro Jaya Police Propam Regarding The Death Of 7 Teenagers In The Bekasi River

Nine members of the Bekasi City Metro Police Precision Pioneer Patrol Team were questioned by the Professional and Security Division (Propam) regarding the deaths of 7 teenagers in Kali Bekasi, precisely near the Pondok Gede Permai housing complex, Jatiasih, Bekasi City.

"Until now, 9 members of the Bekasi City Metro Police Precision Pioneer Patrol have been examined," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi, to reporters, Monday, September 23.

The examination was carried out at the attention of the Metro Jaya Police Chief to find out more about the death of seven teenagers in Kali Bekasi.

"So they were the ones who checked the TKP (scene of the case), they did cyber patrols, then saw someone else live IG (instagram) making a brawl invitation," he said.

Not only that, to find out more clearly, his party checked the crime scene (TKP).

"This is what is being investigated, the crime scene checking process is what the patrol process is like, what the crime scene checking process is like, this is still being investigated," he said.

A total of seven bodies of male teenagers were found on the banks of Kali Bekasi, Pondok Gede Permai Housing, Jatiasih District, Bekasi City on Sunday morning, September 22.

Bekasi Metro Police Chief Kombes Dani Hamdani at the scene in Bekasi City, said the discovery began when officers received reports from residents who saw a number of bodies at the time.

From the testimony of witnesses, the victims wanted to do a brawl but were chased by a number of police officers. Because they were afraid, they entered the river by chance the water was heavy.

"That's from one of the witness statements, we have to confirm again, what will it look like later," said Dani.