Menpan RB Singgung Regional Head Installs Photos On Public Service Portal Ahead Of Simultaneous Pilkada

JAKARTA - Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas alluded to the existence of a public service portal that displays photos of regional heads on its applications.

In fact, the government is focusing on creating integrated public service portals, the goal is to make it easier for people to access various basic state services.

Anas also gave an example, a public service portal in Estonia that has a main page based on "population focus", by displaying a live menu on how to get jobs, health, population services, social assistance, health and childbirth.

"And there is not a single photo of the official. If we want Pilkada portals, we have photos of all of the regents, photos of governors, governor candidates and so on," said Anas in the agenda of the 2024 Regional Digitalization Acceleration and Expansion National Coordination Meeting (Rakornas P2DD) in Jakarta, Monday, September 23.

"But in government services that are already advanced, there is not a single photo of someone, except for entering services," he added.

Anas said, through an integrated portal called "INA Digital", the government will facilitate various public services. Such as population administration services, checking social assistance to hospital queues.

Regarding population administration, Anas said, through Digital INA, the public can change their identity information through an application. So, there is no need to visit the village office or public service office.

"Now this system is still being tested, enough with a cellphone to change its identity," he said.

In addition, administrative services that will be facilitated also include matters of marriage administration to take care of death certificates.

"These are some of the basic priority things that our mandate is to work on. We are encouraged to immediately create an integrated national portal and government portal," he said.

For your information, the government will conduct a limited release in stages on three initial products developed by INA Digital.

The limited release phase 1 (Alpha), which is planned for the fourth week of September 2024, will release the INA Ku, INA Gov and INA Pas applications as a new era of digital transformation of the government.