Mother Of Victims Of Alleged Obscenity Of Singkawang DPRD Members Letters To Jokowi: We Are Intimidated

The mother of the alleged sexual abuse victim of a member of the Singkawang DPRD with the initials HA wrote to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) hoping to get justice for the tragic events he experienced.

In a letter circulating on social media, the victim's mother said that her party had been silenced so far that they never got justice.

"Mr President, whom I honor, allow me to apologize for my apology for writing this open letter, although my heart is not very sure that you will be able to read this letter," wrote L (34), the victim's mother, quoted by VOI.ID, Monday, September 23.

"At least the writing, which is an outpouring of the heart full of tears, can temporarily erase my very deep wounds and inner pain, from the burden that has been narrowing my chest," he added.

He told that his 13-year-old son was raped by a local community leader. The alleged perpetrator is also a political figure in Singkawang, who is also the owner of the boarding house occupied by L and his family.

"My son was damaged, sexually assaulted and destroyed by his dignity as a human being. I have tried to ask for help everywhere, but the perpetrators are too strong and powerful to silence the poor like us," wrote L.

His efforts to report the action to the police actually made himself and his family threatened and intimidated. L was forced to move from place to place until he was forced to stop selling.

"Selecting to report the bitter events we experienced, turned into a dark side and the worst situation in our lives. We were terrorized, threatened and intimidated and finally I had to stop selling and live from pity every day and have to flee here and there," he wrote.

He hopes that at the end of Jokowi's term of office, he will get justice.

"With all respect from the bottom of our hearts, begging for your attention a little bit with our suffering, please us, sir, please. Give us protection and justice for the perpetrator's heinous act," he wrote.

As previously reported, the Singkawang Police have named HA, a member of the DPRD who is also a PKS cadre as a suspect in sexual abuse of minors. HA was named a suspect in the alleged molestation case of a 13-year-old child on August 26, 2024.

Ironically, HA, who is a suspect in the sexual abuse of minors, is still following the oath of office of a member of the Singkawang City DPRD for the 2024-2029 term at Balairung, Singkawang Mayor's Office, last Tuesday.

Based on a letter from a hospital in Pontianak City, HA was asked to rest completely until September 27. HA's attorney, Akbar Hidayatullah admitted that his client needed a total rest until September 27, 2024.

In this case, the Singkawang Police have summoned HA twice, but the person concerned was not present on the grounds of illness which was strengthened by a certificate from a doctor at a hospital in Pontianak City.