Google Invests $100 Million in AI Education Worldwide

JAKARTA - In the 79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), Google said it would provide 120 million US dollars (IDR 1.81 trillion) to provide AI education and training in various communities around the world.

Through this investment, Google CEO Sundar Pichai in his speech, emphasized his commitment through cooperation with non-profit organizations and NGOs, to present various AI training in local languages.

"We also help support entrepreneurs for the AI ​​revolution. In Brazil, we work with thousands of female entrepreneurs to use Google AI to grow their businesses," said Pichai

While in Asia, where less than six percent of startups are founded by women, Pichai admitted that he had provided a lot of guidance, capital, and training.

This investment is based on Google seeing four broad opportunities for AI, namely to help people access information in their own language, accelerate scientific discovery, provide warnings and tracking of climate disasters, and drive economic progress.

However, amidst the many benefits, it cannot be denied that AI also presents risks, for example with deep fakes, although he did not mention the impact of AI on climate. Therefore, many digital talents who are experts in the field of AI, who are qualified throughout the world, are needed to ensure the safe and responsible use of AI.