Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 With A Better Cooling System To Beat Apple A18 Pro In Genshin Impact

JAKARTA Although Apple has embedded a graphene-based cooling system in the iPhone 16 Pro model to help reduce heat and provide more stable performance, recent trials show that Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 on flagship Android devices managed to outperform the A18 Pro in heavy games like Genshin Impact.

In a test conducted by the "Geekerwan" YouTube channel, the iPhone 16 Pro Max showed a significant improvement over the iPhone 15 Pro Max. However, the Red Magic 9S Pro device launched in July 2024 with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 managed to beat the performance of the iPhone 16 Pro Max.

This is attributed to the active cooling system owned by Red Magic 9S Pro, allowing the device to use greater power and keep performance stable.

In Genshin Impact testing, the iPhone 16 Pro Max was able to maintain an average frame rate at 55.5 FPS, while Android devices with Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, such as the Red Magic 9S Pro, reached an average frame rate of 59.9 FPS. Although the frame rate difference looks small, the experience of playing in the Red Magic 9S Pro is considered more stable than the iPhone 16 Pro Max.

Performance differences are also seen between the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max models. The iPhone 16 Pro is only able to reach an average frame rate of 49.5 FPS, which is much more unstable than the Max model. This is likely due to a more inferior cooling system in the smaller Pro model.

Interestingly, differences are also seen in Android devices with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. For example, the Xiaomi 14 Pro, which is also equipped with Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, is only able to reach the average frame rate of 38.9 FPS. This indicates that the cooling system and performance settings greatly affect the final results on each device.

Although the iPhone 16 Pro Max is showing an improvement over its predecessor, the test shows that Android phones with more advanced cooling still excel in the performance of heavy games.