Victims Of Homes Damaged By The Bandung Earthquake Get IDR 500 Thousand Per Month To Rent Temporary Places To Live

JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) guarantees that the victims of the earthquake whose houses were destroyed in Bandung Regency will receive support for the cost of renting a temporary residence.

Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Suharyanto said the support was in the form of a Hunian Waiting Fund (DTH) of IDR 500 thousand per month which can be used to pay temporary rental fees until the house repairs process is completed.

"The maximum hope is that for the six months the house will be finished. But if not, we will continue until the house is completely finished," said Suharyanto in his statement, Friday, September 20, which was confiscated by Antara.

He admitted that his party asked the TNI and Polri to form a team unit to clean up the debris of building materials damaged by the earthquake. After completion, construction will then be carried out for houses that are heavily damaged, lightly, and moderately.

"So it can be faster, because of heavy equipment. After cleaning, later we will rebuild the house," he said.

He conveyed that all houses damaged by the earthquake received house repair assistance with budget sources from the central government.

He also revealed that the repair assistance scheme for houses damaged by the earthquake for severe damage would be built a new house, then moderately damaged, with assistance of Rp. 30 million, and Rp. 15 million.

"The target for the house is the fastest, if for example the data comes in immediately. Because we have Risha's house for one week, it could be one house. So if the 500 houses are heavily damaged, the target of two to three months could be," he said.

Meanwhile, the West Java Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) recorded 4,483 houses affected after an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.0 that hit the Bandung Regency, West Java, on Wednesday, September 18.

West Java BPBD Expert Public Relations Pranata Hadi Rahmat revealed, until now BPBD from districts/cities is still identifying the level of damage and data collection of other impacts after the earthquake.

As for the details based on the level of damage, he said, 534 houses were heavily damaged, 476 houses were moderately damaged, 1,015 houses were slightly damaged, and 2,458 houses were affected.

Of these, he continued, the most damage occurred in Bandung Regency as many as 3,283 houses, Garut Regency 1,195 houses, West Bandung Regency three houses, Cimahi City one house, Purwakarta Regency one house, and Bogor Regency one house.

"In the affected houses, West Java BPBD is still waiting for information from BPBD at the city and district levels to determine the extent of the damage," he said.