5 PKS National Working Meeting Points, Regional Head Election Winning To Target Cadres To Win In 4 Provinces

JAKARTA - Plh PKS President Ahmad Heryawan revealed 5 points at the opening of the national working meeting (Rakernas). Among them are related to winning the 2024 Pilkada and the target of winning its cadres in the gubernatorial election (Pilgub).

The opening of the PKS National Working Meeting was attended by all central-level leaders to the PKS DPP management and the chairman of the PKS DPW throughout Indonesia.

"Some of the points that need to be conveyed, first, this National Working Meeting is the last consolidation of PKS to welcome the victory of the 2024 regional elections and the party's preparation for the final period of management," said Aher at Grand Sahid Jaya, Jakarta, Friday, September 20.

Second, announcing the theme of the National Working Meeting this time, namely Collaboration to Build a Country. PKS, said Aher, is ready to collaborate with all components of the nation to build the future of this country.

"The country we aspire to is just and prosperous as in the opening of the fourth paragraph of the 1945 Constitution," he said.

Third, related to the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada. PKS has a national target of winning 60 percent of all regional elections in Indonesia.

"We want to win, of course, with other parties, together with coalition friends in the regional election, the coalition is unique because in other provinces, other regencies are like that, our country coalition is unique. We are targeting the colorful coalition, 60 percent," said Aher.

Fourth, in the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections, PKS cadres participated as candidates in four provinces as governor candidates. Namely West Java, West Sumatra, West Nusa Tenggara, and North Maluku.

"And the target in the four provinces is to win. Why go forward if not to win. Three provinces as deputy governor candidates. Jakarta, Banten, and Riau. So four candidates for governor and three deputy governor candidates," explained the former Governor of West Java.

In addition, continued Aher, as many as 108 PKS cadres also ran as candidates for district/city regional elections. This number is the largest in terms of PKS parties.

"So, that means cadres, yes, cadres, who are members of PKS. PKS immediately takes care of it. The governors are four, the deputy governor is three, then the regent of the mayor is 108. This is the most PKS," said Aher.

"Yes, of course we will follow in more than four hundreds of regencies and cities, we will follow. This is also the most as PKS history," he added.

Fifth, PKS invites all Indonesian people to oversee together so that there are no frauds. "So that the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada can run in a jurdil, democratic, safe, peaceful, and dignified manner," he concluded.