Many Lakalantas And Roads Damaged By Mining Vehicles, Tangerang Transportation Agency Expands Supervision Posts

TANGERANG - The Department of Transportation (Dishub) of Tangerang Regency, Banten Province, will expand the placement of surveillance posts for mining-carrying vehicles in the area.

This is done to prevent a large number of traffic accidents due to mining car operations beyond the specified schedule.

"We will have additional monitoring posts, which previously oversee in five sub-districts, now we add more in two to three areas so that it is expected to be more effective," said Head of the Tangerang Regency Transportation Service, Achmad Taufik in Tangerang, Antara, Friday, September 20.

In addition to expanding the range of supervision, his party will also increase the strength of personnel in the field to take action against mining vehicles that violate Regional Regulation (Perda) No. 12 of 2022, which regulates the operating hours of mining transport vehicles.

"And there must also be a lot of officers in the field because we also add monitoring posts," he explained.

So far, the Tangerang Regency Transportation Agency still has problems in supervising and controlling mining vehicles for violating operating hours. Where, from overseeing the 12 sub-districts, there are only 180 officers who keep the mine vehicle surveillance post.

"Now we only have 180 officers spread across 12 sub-districts," he explained.

He revealed that currently his party continues to tighten supervision of operating hours for sand trucks and mines passing through the area.

The tightening of supervision of operating hours was carried out to prevent accidents and road damage that were complained by the public.

"To be honest, until now there are still violations and many have caused disasters, therefore with the incident, the local government will issue a Perbup in 2022. That number of violations can minimize it," he said.

Regarding the existence of land and mining trucks that park and fill the shoulders of roads, he said, this is because human resources and special parking bags for sand trucks in the area are not optimal.

"We have taken many actions by officers by reversing mining vehicles that violate operating hours. Then we parked them in special places, but in this area there is no proper thing to park it widely," he said.

The operating hours of sand trucks and mines have been regulated by Tangerang Regent Regulation (Perbup) Number 12 of 2022. The operating hours of sand trucks and mines will be enforced from 22.00 to 05.00 WIB.

The roads that are restricted include roads located in the Tangerang Regency, both national roads, provinces, and districts, except toll roads. Mining goods vehicles subject to restrictions on operating hours consist of groups III, IV, and V.