Angel Siswi SD Class 6 Was Asked Not To Leave The House, Because His Father Is Near The House

JAKARTA - Angel Kirana Amelia Nahapuh (12) a 6th grade elementary school student who was reported missing by her family until Friday afternoon, September 20, her whereabouts were unknown. Angel has been reported missing since Monday, September 16.

Siska (19), Angel's older brother, said that Angel did not have any problems with his family at home before saying goodbye to play on Monday night, September 16.

"We also have no problems at home. So we think it's okay, (at first we thought that Angel) didn't play far from home. (Angel) There was no problem at home," Siska told VOI, Friday, September 20.

In fact, said Siska, on Monday afternoon before being reported missing, Angel had time to play with his church friend named Novi.

"Before the incident (lost), from 2 pm to 5 pm he (Angel) went with his church friend to say goodbye to the park named Novi. Then Novi was invited by Angel to meet another friend to the apartment, just under the lobby maybe," he said.

According to Siska, Novi had said that while Angel was in the Damoci apartment lobby area (Daan Mogot City) asked the vehicle on the route to the Kota Tua area to the apartment security. Then security notified him of taking Transjakarta.

Angel also briefly told security that he wanted to meet his friend in the Kota Tua area, Tamansari, West Jakarta.

"So if you say you want to go to Kota Tua, we don't know. That's just information from Novi. After leaving the apartment, Angel had time to go home. Then (after coming from the apartment) We took Novi back to her house. My mother and Angel took Novi back to her house. Then Angel took a shower, ate, it was neat at half past 7 he said he wanted to play again," he said.

Siska is still explaining, Angel just said goodbye to play without telling her purpose.

"Just saying goodbye to play. As usual, he likes to play, it's just not far away. It's never been called acceptance, never coming home late at night, never staying, never going far or going on public transportation," he said.

Siska said that she had banned Angel from playing on Monday night. However, because Angel's father was not at home and was still on the road after work, Angel remained adamant about leaving the house.

"We forbid it. Because he obeys you, I said don't play, you'll be home soon. You're near the house. He said, yes, just a moment. Later at 7 o'clock, Angel will come home," said Siska.

However, until late Monday, Angel never returned home. The family was worried and tried to find Angel's whereabouts with close friends Angel and others, but they were never found. Until finally on Wednesday, September 18, Angel's family reported to the Kalideres Police for Angel's disappearance.

Until now, the West Jakarta Metro Police PPA Unit and Kalideres Police continue to investigate and search for reports of the disappearance of the 6th grade elementary school student. However, Angel's whereabouts are still unknown.