3 Examples Of Expository Text Equipped With Its Structure

YOGYAKARTA Expository text is a type of text containing information or knowledge that is conveyed briefly and densely. Examples of expository text can be found in advertisements, posters, slogans, announcements, essays, lectures, legal division, and plans.

The expository text aims to provide a more in-depth understanding of a topic, problem, or information to the reader.

According to the book Explore Bahasa Indonesia Volume 2 for SMP/MTs Class VIII, expository text has three main structures, namely thesis, arguments, and reaffirmation.

The following is a complete explanation of the structure of expository text.

The thesis is the opening section of expository texts containing statements of opinions or problems that the authors want to present.

In expository text structures, argumentation is a part that contains reasons or facts. The author can include the data of the vacidm citing expert opinions, or presenting the results of the findings of the science in order to strengthen the thesis.

Reaffirmation is the last piece of expository text that contains the reexpression of opinions that the author has outlined to make it even more classable.

In this section, writers often include suggestions or recommendations for issues raised.

Processed from various sources, the following is an example of expository text from various complete themes with its structure.

Testis/Pernyataan Opinion

Technological developments have changed the way students learn, making the learning process more fun and meaningful. In this text, we will explain how technology contributes positively to enriching learning experiences.


Technology allows students and teachers to access various subject matter, references, and educational resources online.

Through e-learning applications and platforms, students can access material according to their own level, enabling their full potential development.

Technology allows more interactive, creative and fun learning. Animation, video, and learning software make more complex concepts more understandable and interesting.

With the right supervision of parents and teachers, technology can be used positively without sacrificing other important aspects in child development.


Technology can be a powerful tool to support and change education in many ways, expand access, provide personalized learning, and generate creativity.

In the digital era, the potential of technology must be utilized in order to provide better and more inclusive education to future generations.


Art has been an integral part of human life for thousands of years. in this text, it will explain why art can have a positive impact on mental health


Art can be used as a tool to express emotions in a healthy manner. Through paintings, music, or other visual arts, individuals can express their feelings in a creative and therapeutic way. This helps reduce stress and anxiety.

Art activity requires focus and concentration. When an individual is involved in the creative process, his attention is distracted from negative thoughts or ruminations that are often associated with mental disorders such as depression.

Creating works of art that are valued by oneself and others can increase your confidence. This helps individuals feel more positive about themselves and their achievements.


Art can be an effective tool to improve mental health. This provides a way to reduce stress, express emotions, and improve overall well-being.


Social media has changed the way we interact and communicate with each other. In this text, it will be explained how the use of social media affects human interaction in everyday life.


Social media allows a person to stay connected to friends, family, and people from around the world.

However, there are concerns that excessive use of social media can lead to social isolation in real life. People may spend more time in front of the screen than interact directly.

According to research, excessive use of social media can disrupt mental health, including causing anxiety and depression.

The pressure to compare oneself with other people's lives that seem perfect online can affect mental health.

Therefore, wise and balanced use is needed to avoid the negative impact of social media


Although social media can keep a person connected online, we must be careful of the potential for social isolation and its impact on mental health.

Wise use is the key to utilizing social media in our lives.

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