Nature Of Birth According To Islam: A Review Of The Perspective Of The Qur'an And Hadiths

YOGYAKARTA - Birth Day is often associated with the nature and character of a person in various cultures and beliefs. However, what is the nature of the birthday according to Islam like? In Islamic teachings, the Qur'an and hadith do not specifically mention that birthdays affect a person's nature or fate. Islam prioritizes charity acts and obedience to Allah SWT as the main factor that shapes a person's personality and life. The nature of the birthday according to Islam

Even so, the day of birth still has an important meaning in Islam, especially as a reminder of the blessings of life given by Allah. Every human being is given the opportunity to live in the world to worship and do good. Therefore, the birthday can be a moment of reflection and expression of gratitude.

The Concept Of Dates And Birthdays In Islam

In Islam, the date and day of birth of a person is recognized as part of a destiny that has been determined by Allah SWT. The Qur'an states that everything, including the birth term, has been determined with full wisdom. Allah obeys you in QS. Al-Qamar verse 49: "In fact We create everything according to fate."

Although Islam does not teach that birthdays have mystical powers or affect a person's nature, the day of birth can still be a reminder of the blessings of life that God has given. The Prophet SAW himself often reminded his people to always count the days that have passed and take the best possible time to do good.

Birthday, from an Islamic perspective, is more focused as time to reflect and be grateful. Every year, on the birthday, a Muslim is advised to reflect on the journey of his life. This is the right time to revisit spiritual achievements, relationships with fellow human beings, and most importantly, a relationship with Allah SWT.

1. Reflect On Charity

Every Muslim is expected to always introspect about the deeds he has done during his life. In QS. Al-Hasyr verse 18, Allah bless you: "O people who believe, be afraid of Allah and should each person pay attention to what he has done for tomorrow (end of life)." Birthday can be the right moment to see if life in life is in accordance with Islamic teachings or still needs to be improved.

2. Grateful for God's Joy

Birthday should also be used as a moment to thank Allah for all the blessings given. Every year that passes is proof that Allah still provides an opportunity for someone to live, repent and improve himself. The Prophet SAW said: "Whoever is not grateful for his small blessing, then he will not be able to be grateful for his great blessing."

3. Strengthening Faith and Taqwa

Strengthening relations with Allah SWT is one of the best ways to celebrate birthdays. This can be done through increasing worship, such as praying, reading the Qur'an, and giving alms. As Muslims, improving relationships with the Creator is the main goal of life in this world.

Influence Of Birthday According To Islam

Unlike other beliefs that believe that birthdays have a mystical or mystical influence on a person's character, Islam does not teach this. In Islam, a person's nature is influenced by various factors, such as environment, education, and most importantly, charity of deeds and intentions.

Every human being is created with the potential to do good or bad. Allah gives freedom to every individual to choose the path that He pleases. In QS. Asy-Syams verse 8-10, Allah bless you: "So Allah has inspired the soul (the way) to pursue it and its piety. It is fortunate that a person who purifys his soul, and really loses the person who pollutes it."

In addition, you also need to know: How to Send Prayers for People Who Have Died According to Islam, so that they don't go the wrong way.

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