Plenary Session Of The Indonesian House Of Representatives Approves The Naturalization Of Mees Hilgers And Eliano Reijnders

JAKARTA - The DPR RI Plenary Meeting was held on Thursday, September 19, 2024, with one of its agenda being to make decisions on the granting of citizenship to the Republic of Indonesia on behalf of Mees Hilgers and Eliano Reijnders.

The plenary session of the DPR RI is led by the Deputy Speaker of the DPR RI, Lodewijk Freidrich Paulus. The Agenda for the granting of Indonesian citizenship is included in the fifth discussion of the seven agendas.

At the plenary session, the request to give Indonesian citizens to Mees and Eliano was also approved.

"Based on the letter of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number R49/Pres/09/2024 and R-48/Pres/09/2024 dated 12 September 2024 regarding the request for consideration of granting citizenship to the Republic of Indonesia on behalf of Mees Victor Joseph Hilgers and Eliano Johannes Reijnders."

"We announce that according to the results of the consultation meeting to replace the DPR RI Deliberative Body (Bamus) meeting between the leadership of the DPR RI and the leaders of the factions on September 12, 2024, we decided to assign Commission III and X of the DPR RI. The results of the discussion were decided at the DPR RI Plenary Meeting."

"In accordance with the results of the discussion of Commission III and X of the Indonesian House of Representatives which decided to approve the granting of citizens of the Republic of Indonesia on behalf of Mees Victor Joseph Hilgers and Eliano Johannes Reijnders."

"In this regard, we ask for Plenary approval today, can the application for citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia be approved?" said Head of the Plenary Meeting of the DPR RI, Lodewijk Freidrich Paulus.

All participants of the Plenary Session of the DPR RI also approved the request.

"Thank you. For the next (naturalization) it will be followed up according to the applicable mechanism," said Lodewijk again.

Eliano Johannes Reijnders is an Indonesian-Dutch blood player.

The Indonesian blood of the PEC Zwolle player was obtained from his mother, Angelina Syane Lekatompessy, who was born in Jakarta on November 18, 1976.

Eliano's grandfather, Jantje Lekatompessy, was also an Indonesian born in Jatinegara, Jakarta, on December 29, 1947.

In addition, Eliano has a wife of Indonesian descent, Marciana Rathna.

Then, Mees has the full name Mees Victor Joseph Hilgers. Just like Eliano, the 23-year-old player also has Indonesian-Dutch blood.

Indonesian Mees blood is obtained from her mother, Linda Tombeng. Mees has a grandfather of her mother, Hendrik Victor Tombeng, who was lahar in Ambon on April 22, 1924.

Then, Mees' grandmother is also an Indonesian named Muhija Muchtar who was born in Jakarta on May 4, 1926.

Mees menjadi pemain yang tengah hangat diperbincangkan. Dia sudah meroket pada usia muda dan tampil bersama Timnas Belanda U-21.