RI Aims For An Additional 90 MW Of Geothermal Energy

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) targets to increase the capacity of Geothermal Power Plants (PLTP) by 90 MW in the remainder of 2024.

Director General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE), Eniya Listiani Dewi, explained that the 90 MW capacity addition consists of three PLTP projects targeted to start operating in December 2024.

"In 2024, we hope that there will be an additional 90 MW of PLTP capacity, consisting of PLTP Salak Binary 15 MW, Belawan Ijen unit 1 of 34 MW and Sorik Marapi unit 5 of 40 MW," he said, quoted Thursday, September 19.

Not only increasing capacity, but Eniya also hopes that the realization of investment from geothermal developers, both in the brownfield field and greenfield, could reach hundreds of millions of dollars this year.

"The investment prognosis of US$664 million is expected to be realized, so that investment achievements over the past 10 years can reach US$5.4 billion," added Eniya.

The increase in return on investment (ROI) for the new renewable energy sector (EBT), continued Eniya, is an attraction for investors. Fiscal support and incentives from the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry are needed, according to Presidential Regulation Number 112 of 2022.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources also encourages the acceleration of the development of electricity infrastructure by increasing the Domestic Component Level (TKDN), through the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 11 of 2024 concerning the Use of Domestic Products.

"This policy is expected to accelerate development as well as become a stimulant for local manufacturers," said Eniya.