DPR Approves The 2025 State Budget For The First Year Of Prabowo-Gibran Rp3,621 Trillion

JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) officially approved the 2025 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBN) to be ratified into the 2025 State Budget Law (UU APBN).

Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Lodewijk Freidrich Paulus, said that based on a report by the Budget Agency (Banggar) there were 8 factions consisting of PDI Perjuangan, Golkar, Gerindra, NasDem, PKB, Democrats, PAN, and PPP to approve or accept the 2025 State Budget Bill to be continued in level II discussions in the decision making of today's plenary meeting to be ratified into law.

Meanwhile, the PKS faction approved or accepted with a note on the 2025 State Budget Bill to be continued in level II discussions or the decision of today's plenary meeting to be ratified into law.

Meanwhile, one of these records is that the government needs to work hard to achieve economic growth in 2025 of 5.2 percent.

"We ask each faction whether the 2025 State Budget Bill can be approved to be ratified into law?," Lodewijk asked a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, accompanied by a hammer of agreement on Thursday, September 19.

The following is the basic assumption of macroeconomics in 2025:

- Economic growth : 5.2 percent.

- Inflation: 2.5 percent

- The rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar : IDR 16,000

- SUN flower level-10 years : 7 percent

- Indonesian crude oil prices: 82 per barrel US dollars

- Earth Oil Lifting: 605,000 barrels per day

- Earth Gas Lifting: 1,005,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day

Targets and development indicators in 2025:

- Poverty rate : 7 percent - 8 percent

- Extreme poverty rate : 0 percent

- Open unemployment rate: 4.5 percent - 5 percent

- Gini ratio: 0.379-0.382

- Human Capital Index : 0.56

- Farmers' Exchange Rate (NTP): 115-120

- Fisherman's Exchange Rate (NTN) : 105-108

Postur APBN 2025:

- The state revenue target of IDR 3,005.12 trillion consists of tax revenues of IDR 2,189 trillion, customs and excise revenues of IDR 301.60 trillion, non-tax state revenues (PNBP) of IDR 513.63 trillion, and grant receipts of IDR 581.1 trillion.

- State expenditures of IDR 3,621.31 trillion consist of Ministry/Institutional expenditures (K/L) of IDR 1,160.08 trillion, non-K/L expenditures of IDR 1,541.35 trillion, transfers to the regions of IDR 919 trillion.

- State Budget deficit of IDR 616.19 trillion or 2.53 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).