US To Hold Global Summit On AI Security In November

JAKARTA - The administration of US President Joe Biden announced its plans to hold a global summit on the security of artificial intelligence (AI) on November 20-21 in San Francisco. The event will be chaired by US Trade Minister Gina Raimondo, and Foreign Minister Antony Blinken, aiming to strengthen international cooperation in the development of safe, reliable, and secure AI.

The summit will be the first meeting of the international network of AI security agencies, which include countries such as Australia, Canada, the European Union, France, Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Singapore, Britain, and the United States.

AI technology, especially the AI genrative which is capable of producing text, photos, and videos based on orders, has raised concerns about its influence on employment opportunities, elections, and potential hazards that may arise.

Gina Raimondo first announced the formation of this international network at the AI summit in Seoul, South Korea, last May. The purpose of the meeting in San Francisco was to encourage technical collaboration between countries before the follow-up meeting in Paris in February.

The meeting will involve technical experts from each member country to discuss priorities in AI security as well as increase cooperation and share knowledge globally.

In addition, last week, the US Department of Commerce proposed reporting requirements for advanced AI developers and cloud computing providers to ensure that the technology is safe and capable of facing cyberattacks. This move comes amid legislative action in Congress related to AI regulations.

In October 2023, President Joe Biden signed an executive order requiring AI system developers that could potentially pose risks to US national security, economy, or public health and safety, to report the results of security tests to the government before being released to the public.