MRT Project, Traffic Engineering Implemented At MH Thamrin Starting September 21

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency coordinates with the Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya and PT MRT Jakarta to implement traffic engineering on a number of roads including Jalan MH Thamrin from September 21, 2024 to February 28, 2025.

PT MRT Jakarta (Perseroda) Corporate Secretary Division Head Ahmad Pratomo said the traffic engineering was implemented because of the construction of Monas Station and Thamrin Station.

The station construction is part of the scope of MRT Jakarta Phase 2A Contract Package201 (CP201) HI-Harmoni Roundabout construction work.

Traffic engineering was carried out, among others, on Jalan MH Thamrin on the east side (the direction of Blok M), because the MRT Jakarta construction area, which was originally located in the central part of the road, would move to the east side of Jalan MH Thamrin.

Thus, starting from the front of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources building to the front of Thamrin 10 Food &Creative Park, traffic flow moves to the center of the road and consists of three lanes of regular vehicles and one lane of intervening between regular vehicles and TransJakarta


At the intersection of Jalan MH Thamrin-Jalan Kebon Sirih. The traffic flow on Jalan Kebon Sirih from the east (Gondangdia) is heading to

the west (Tanah Abang) will be reopened so that vehicles do not have to turn around at the HI Roundabout.

The traffic flow on Kebon Sirih Street from the west (Tanah Abang) can go directly to the east (Gondangdia).

Furthermore, the eastern side TransJakarta Bank Indonesia bus shelter (direction Blok M). The eastern side of the TransJakarta Bank Indonesia bus shelter in front of Thamrin 10 Food &Creative Park will be temporarily moved to the front of the ex-Bank Bangkok Building from September 21, 2024 to November 20, 2024.

Then, on November 21, 2024 and then, the operation of the TransJakarta Bank Indonesia bus shelter on the east side will be moved to the location in front of the Wisma Mandiri Building.

Meanwhile, there has been no operational change for the TransJakarta Bank Indonesia bus shelter which is on the west side (the direction of the City).

On Jalan Budi Kemuliaan at the Fountain Roundabout Intersection (beyond the Indosat Building), a reduction in the traffic lane on Jalan Budi Kemuliaan (east direction) which is located at the Fountain Roundabout intersection for the construction of the Thamrin Station entrance (Entrance-6).

The reduction in lanes will only be done at night, which is between 22.00-05.00 WIB, namely the reduction of two vehicle lanes.

During the closure of two vehicles at night, the Fountain Roundabout can still be passed.

Apart from that hour, the construction area was again closed with a steel deck and can be passed back by vehicles.

Meanwhile, traffic engineering for construction work on the east side of Jalan Majapahit was carried out from September 17, 2024 to November 30, 2025. Namely, the reduction in lanes on Jalan Majapahit to the north ( Monas direction) to 2 lanes of regular vehicles and one lane of intervening between regular vehicles and TransJakarta buses (2+1).

"We expect understanding and cooperation from the community to continue to support the implementation of this project," he said.

In addition, his party also hopes that road users and public transportation will pay attention to signs and follow the instructions of officers in the field.